Dedicated to engineering
This philosophy is a relevant basis of the success of our company. Our commitment and the know-how we gained in many projects are the root for optimal, customer oriented solutions in different branches of industry and company sizes. |
The company Dieter Albus Planung und Konstruktion GmbH was already founded in 1982 as a sole proprietorship in Wiesbaden. Since 1986 the registered business address is located at Hohenstein with an own office building. At about 100m² office space we work with several 2D- and 3D- Workstations. Also we have numerous EDP-Systems for functional, structural and stress analysis, as well as workstations for creating technical documentations and order processing. |
Our office is provided with modern interoffice communication and offers the possibility of an uncomplicated data exchange in any usual file formats by different interfaces. |
All of these requirements provide a flexible, customized order processing at the highest quality level and an ideal adjusted cost-benefit ratio. |
Our main task is the design and construction of machinery and plant technology in the field of material handling, as well as the manufacturing of machinery and equipment. The material handling is present in almost all industry branches. |
Another main focus, where we can draw on decades of experience, is the planning and design of hydraulic systems, hydraulic drives and hydraulic controls. These systems are suitable to our aforementioned field of work. |
Our business activities include mainly the technical realization of an engineer-elaborated idea in the most economically way. |
Our corporate philosophy is:
From the idea to the implementation – “One source only”
If you have any questions about our products or in other areas, our staff will be happy to help you. Please contact us, we are pleased to talk to you.